Dental Implants: Tooth Implant replacement  option for misiing tooth

Replacing a Single Tooth With a Dental Implant in Cleveland, OH

Missing one or more teeth because of periodontal disease or dental trauma? Consider Dental Implants in Cleveland, OH. Dental implants represent the most realistic tooth replacement option available to Ohio patients. They truly are the next best thing to natural teeth. Whether you require full-mouth dental implants, All On 4 dental implants, wisdom teeth removal, or complex oral surgical procedures, you can rely on his unmatched skills to achieve a confident smile. Dental implants not only appear identical to natural teeth, but they also feel and function very close to natural teeth.

What is a Dental Implants ?


A dental implant is a prosthetic device used to replace missing teeth. It is a surgical component that is typically made of titanium and is placed into the jawbone to support a dental crown, bridge, or denture. Dental implants provide a stable and permanent solution for replacing one or more missing teeth. The implant procedure involves the surgical placement of the implant into the jawbone. Over time, the bone tissue around the implant fuses with the titanium, creating a strong and durable foundation for the replacement tooth or teeth. This process is called osseointegration. Once the implant has successfully integrated with the jawbone, an abutment is attached to the implant. The abutment serves as a connector between the implant and the artificial tooth or teeth. Finally, a dental crown, bridge, or denture is affixed to the abutment, completing the restoration and providing a natural-looking and functional replacement for the missing teeth. Dental implants offer several advantages, including improved aesthetics, stability, and the preservation of surrounding teeth and bone. They are considered a long-lasting and reliable solution for tooth replacement.

Dental Implants Cleveland: Tooth Implants, Dentures , Dental Crown, Implant Crown

Why Should I Get a Dental Implant To Replace My Tooth in Cleveland?

Dental implants offer a compelling solution for replacing missing teeth, surpassing traditional dentures in comfort and stability. Whether you're in Cleveland, OH, or nearby areas like Beachwood, Chagrin Falls, Twinsburg, Pepper Pike, or Aurora, OH, our team at Carpe Diem Dental Spa Implant Dentistry provides personalized solutions. People choose dental implants for various reasons, including the desire for stability, a natural feel, and improved appearance and self-confidence. Dental implants offer many benefits that make them a preferred choice for individuals grappling with tooth loss. Functionally, they mimic natural teeth, providing the strength and efficiency needed for chewing without the discomfort or restrictions associated with removable dentures. Aesthetically, implants are designed to seamlessly blend in with your existing teeth, enhancing your smile and bolstering your self-confidence. Beyond the surface, dental implants play a crucial role in preserving the jaw bone, preventing deterioration that may occur when a tooth is lost. Unlike some alternative solutions, such as dentures or bridges, dental implants offer a long-term fix, often lasting a lifetime with proper care. Beyond their durability, implants contribute to improved speech, prevent adjacent teeth movement, and eliminate the inconvenience of removing dentures for cleaning or sleeping. Comfortable and convenient, they integrate seamlessly with natural teeth, making maintenance a straightforward process akin to caring for one's original dentition. With a high success rate when performed by experienced professionals, dental implants emerge as a reliable and effective solution for those seeking a lasting remedy for missing teeth, encompassing both functional restoration and aesthetic enhancement. The decision to choose a dental implant should be made during consultation with a dentist implantologist, considering individual oral health, bone density, and specific circumstances.

Is a Dental Implant Right for Me?

Determining whether a dental implant is right for you involves considerations such as overall health, oral health, jawbone density, commitment to oral hygiene, and willingness to quit smoking if applicable. Adequate bone density, good oral health, and a commitment to maintaining oral hygiene are essential for the success of dental implants. Additionally, being a non-smoker or being willing to quit can improve the chances of a positive outcome. Financial considerations and realistic expectations about the process are also important factors to weigh. Consulting with a qualified dental professional will help assess your specific situation and determine if a dental implant is a suitable and effective option for your needs.

Dental Implant Vs. Dentures 

Dental implants and dentures serve as contrasting solutions for individuals in Ohio facing tooth loss. Dental implants are artificial tooth roots surgically embedded into the jawbone, providing a durable foundation for prosthetic teeth. Boasting a natural look and feel, implants prevent bone loss and offer a long-term, permanent option, albeit through a more invasive procedure. Dentures, on the other hand, are removable prosthetic devices that replace missing teeth. They are a more budget-friendly alternative, but their stability may be compromised, impacting speech initially and necessitating periodic adjustments. While dentures lack the permanence and bone preservation of implants, they offer a less invasive and more affordable solution. The choice between dental implants and dentures hinges on factors such as oral health, budget, and personal preferences. Consulting with a dentist aids in determining the most suitable option based on individual circumstances. Some individuals may even opt for a combination, using implants to support a removable denture for added stability.

Dental Implant Vs. Bridge

Dental implants and dental bridges are both viable options for replacing missing teeth in Ohio, each with distinct characteristics. Dental implants involve surgically placing artificial tooth roots into the jawbone, providing a stable foundation for individual crowns. Implants offer a natural look and feel, prevent bone loss, and are considered a long-term, permanent solution. However, they require a healthy jawbone and entail a surgical procedure. Dental bridges, on the other hand, consist of artificial teeth (pontics) attached to adjacent natural teeth, known as abutments. They bridge the gap left by missing teeth but do not address bone loss. Bridges are non-removable and can be a quicker, less invasive option compared to implants, but they may require the alteration of adjacent healthy teeth. The decision between a dental implant and a bridge depends on factors such as oral health, the condition of adjacent teeth, budget, and personal preferences. Dental implants are often favored for their durability and preservation of bone, while bridges may be more suitable for those seeking a non-surgical and more cost-effective solution. Consulting with a dentist helps determine the best choice based on individual circumstances and goals for tooth replacement.

Types of dental implants

Single Tooth Dental Implants

  • Designed for replacing individual missing teeth.

  • Comprises a titanium implant post, an abutment, and a crown.

  • Offers a natural appearance and functionality similar to a real tooth.

Whole-Mouth Dental Implants

  • Addresses the replacement of all missing teeth in one or both dental arches.

  • Can involve multiple individual implants or implant-supported dentures.

All-on-4 Dental Implants

  • A specific technique for full-arch restoration.

  • Utilizes only four strategically placed implants to support a full set of upper or lower teeth.

  • Offers a more efficient and cost-effective solution compared to traditional implant methods.

Dental Implant Procedure

 During a dental implant procedure, patients can expect a comprehensive process. After an initial assessment, a titanium implant is surgically placed into the jawbone, followed by a healing period for integration. Subsequent appointments involve attaching an abutment and final restoration. Discomfort is minimal, and managed with local anesthesia or sedation. The procedure duration varies based on individual circumstances, resulting in a durable and natural-looking tooth replacement. Regular follow-ups ensure successful healing and long-term implant success.

Dental Implant Procedure Steps

The dental implant procedure involves several steps

Consultation. The process starts with an initial consultation where the dentist evaluates the patient's oral health, discusses concerns, and outlines potential solutions.

A personalized Treatment Plan comprehensive examination, including dental CT imaging, is conducted to create a personalized treatment plan. Factors like the number of missing teeth, jawbone health, and individual preferences are considered in the planning.

Surgical Phase - Dental Implant Procedure. The dentist performs the surgical phase by placing the titanium implant into the jawbone. Local anesthesia or sedation is commonly administered to ensure patient comfort during the procedure.

Healing Period. Following implant placement, a crucial healing period begins, allowing the implant to integrate with the jawbone. This period varies but is essential for ensuring the stability and integration of the implant.

Prosthetic Phase - Implant Crown Placement. After successful integration, an abutment is attached to the implant, and an impression is taken to create the final restoration. The prosthetic phase involves placing the custom-made crown, bridge, or denture onto the implant or abutment.

Maintenance. Regular follow-up appointments are scheduled to monitor healing, assess implant stability, and address any concerns. Ongoing oral hygiene practices and regular dental check-ups are emphasized for the long-term success of the dental implant.

Throughout these steps, close collaboration between the dental team and the patient ensures a seamless and successful implant procedure, resulting in a functional and aesthetically pleasing tooth replacement.

Advanced Oral Care and Surgery Center

As Cleveland's premier destination for oral health, we utilize state-of-the-art technology within modern clinical facility to effectively address our patients' needs and uphold their oral well-being.

How Much do Dental Implants Cost in Ohio near Cleveland?

The cost of dental implants in the Cleveland area can vary based on several factors, including the number of implants needed, the type of restoration (crown, bridge, or denture), and additional procedures such as bone grafting or sinus lifts. The implant starting price of $137 per month suggests a financing option, which is common for elective dental procedures. It's important to note that the total cost will include the consultation, personalized treatment plan, and any necessary imaging. Additionally, the availability of dental financing, with options as low as $35 per week, provides flexibility for individuals seeking dental implant procedures. For accurate and detailed pricing information customized to your specific needs, we suggest arranging a complimentary dental implant consultation at Carpe Diem Dental Spa, conveniently located near Cleveland. In this consultation, the dentist will engage in a discussion about your oral health, and explore various treatment options, and the dental team will provide a personalized treatment plan with associated costs. This allows you to make informed decisions based on your circumstances and financial considerations.

About Dr. Butriy

Dr. Bogdan Butriy, DDS, stands as a distinguished expert in Dental Implants in Cleveland, OH, with many years of experience, having successfully placed thousands of permanent teeth in the Cleveland area. Recognizing dental implants as the optimal solution for missing tooth replacement and conveniently situated in Solon, Ohio, serving residents of Chagrin Falls, Beachwood, Hudson, Pepper Pike, Twinsburg, Aurora, OH, and other Cleveland areas, we specialize in Single Implants, All-on-4 Implants, Denture Over Implants, Full Mouth Dental Implants—an advanced and efficient option for achieving a complete smile. Committed to providing exceptional comprehensive oral care, our skilled team, led by experienced dentists, is dedicated to delivering personalized implant solutions tailored to individual needs. Our seamless process ensures comfort and satisfaction throughout the journey from the initial consultation to the final restoration. With a focus on excellence in oral health, we leverage advanced technology and offer personalized treatments. Schedule your consultation today to start your transformative journey towards achieving a healthy and confident smile with our dental implant services.

You Are Wondering if dental implants are right for you? Find out through a FREE dental implant consultation today!

Friendly Asked Questions About Dental Implants

 Is age a factor in getting dental implants?

Age is not a strict limitation, suitability for dental implants depends more on overall health and bone density. Many older adults successfully receive dental implants.

How long does the dental implant procedure take? 

   - The dental implant process spans several months, involving initial consultations, implant placement, a healing period for osseointegration, and subsequent prosthetic phases. The exact timeline depends on individual factors.

 Is the dental implant procedure painful? 

   - Discomfort during the procedure is minimized through local anesthesia, and any postoperative discomfort can usually be managed with prescribed or over-the-counter pain relief. 

 Are dental implants suitable for everyone?

   - While many individuals are candidates for dental implants, factors like overall health, jawbone density, and lifestyle habits play a role. A consultation with our experienced dental team helps determine suitability.

How do I maintain and care for dental implants?

   - Dental implants require regular oral hygiene practices, including brushing, flossing, and routine dental check-ups. Our team provides personalized care instructions to ensure the longevity of your implants.

Can dental implants replace multiple missing teeth?

Yes, dental implants can support individual crowns, bridges, or even full arches of teeth, providing a versatile solution for various tooth replacement needs.

Can dental implants improve facial aesthetics?

Dental implants help maintain bone structure and prevent facial sagging, contributing to improved facial aesthetics by providing support for natural-looking teeth.

Can smokers get dental implants?

While smoking can impact healing, smokers can still get dental implants. However, quitting or reducing smoking is advisable to enhance the success of the procedure.

Can I eat normally with dental implants?

   - Absolutely! Dental implants function like natural teeth, allowing you to enjoy a diverse range of foods with confidence in their stability and durability.

Are there alternatives to dental implants?

   - While alternatives exist, dental implants are a premier option for their natural aesthetics and long-term benefits. Our team can discuss various options to find the best solution for you.

Do dental implants look natural?

   - Yes, dental implants are meticulously crafted to blend seamlessly with your natural teeth, providing an aesthetically pleasing and natural appearance. 

Ready to start your journey with dental implants?

   - Schedule a complimentary consultation with our expert dental team. We'll discuss your unique needs, provide a personalized treatment plan, and answer any additional questions you may have. Your path to a confident smile begins here!

How long do dental implants last?

With proper care, dental implants can last a lifetime. Regular dental check-ups and good oral hygiene practices contribute to their longevity.

What is the success rate of dental implant procedures?

Dental implant procedures have a high success rate, typically ranging from 95% to 98%. Success depends on factors such as oral health and proper aftercare.

Dental Implants in Ohio Cleveland area – The Optimal Solution

When it comes to dental implants in Ohio Cleveland, our clinic stands out. Our supportive team of oral health professionals, led by Dr. Bogdan Butriy, offers an exceptional service that uniquely combines expertise, customer care, and advanced technology. Dental implants are a popular choice for patients in Ohio seeking a long-lasting, durable solution to tooth loss. This procedure offers a range of benefits, including improved oral health, a natural-looking smile, and increased self-confidence. If you're looking for dental implants in Ohio near Cleveland or surrounding areas, book a free consultation with us today. We are dedicated to helping our patients reclaim their smiles and enjoy the benefits of healthy teeth.