Confidence Boosting Cosmetic Dentistry Treatments

Cosmetic dentistry is a field growing in popularity, and new technological advances allow for more detailed and specialized approaches to give you the smile you’ve always wanted. As part of these advancements, cosmetic dental treatments are also taking less time, with many only requiring one appointment to complete. If you’ve previously dismissed cosmetic dentistry as being too involved, unsuitable for you, or ‘scary’, you’d be surprised at what’s now possible. Our team prides itself on providing compassionate and gentle care tailored to each patient — and if you’re squeamish about dentists, we can talk you through our procedures and help make your experience as stress-free and relaxed as possible!

Is Your Smile Holding You Back?

Realistically, appearances matter. Whether it’s for your peace of mind, in a professional setting, or even in photographs for a special occasion or major event, the way your teeth look plays a huge role in your self-esteem. If you don’t feel great about your smile, it can dramatically impact your confidence, outgoingness, and even how others perceive you. This might be a sign that it may be time to visit a cosmetic dentist in Solon.

At About CARPE, we believe everyone deserves to feel great about their teeth, so they can smile confidently. Our mission is to achieve that through the services we provide at our dental clinic. A bright and healthy smile not only boosts confidence but also plays a significant role in maintaining overall oral health. Cosmetic dentistry focuses on enhancing the appearance of your teeth, gums, and your bite, helping you achieve the smile of your dreams.

How Do You Know That You Need to Visit a Cosmetic Dentist in Cleveland, Ohio?

Realistically, appearances matter. Whether it’s for your peace of mind, in a professional setting, or even in photographs for a special occasion or major event, the way your teeth look plays a huge role in your self-esteem. If you don’t feel great about your smile, it can dramatically impact your confidence, outgoingness, and even how others perceive you. This might be a sign that it may be time to visit a cosmetic dentist in Solon.

At About CARPE, we believe everyone deserves to feel great about their teeth, so they can smile confidently. Our mission is to achieve that through the services we provide at our dental clinic. A bright and healthy smile not only boosts confidence but also plays a significant role in maintaining overall oral health. Cosmetic dentistry focuses on enhancing the appearance of your teeth, gums, and bite, helping you achieve the smile of your dreams. Here are some signs that indicate you might need the professional advice of a cosmetic dentist in Cleveland

Discoloured or Stained Teeth

Over time, our teeth can become discoloured due to ageing, certain medications, smoking or consuming stain-causing foods and beverages.

Teeth whitening procedures offered by our cosmetic dentists can effectively brighten your smile, removing years of staining and giving you a more youthful appearance.

Chipped or Cracked Teeth

Accidents, injuries or biting down on hard objects can lead to chipped or cracked teeth. Not only can these issues be aesthetically displeasing, but they can also cause discomfort and increase the risk of further damage.

Our cosmetic dentist can employ techniques like dental bonding or porcelain veneers to repair and restore the appearance of damaged teeth effectively, improving both aesthetics and functionality.

Crooked or Misaligned Teeth

Crooked or misaligned teeth not only affect the aesthetics of your smile but can also lead to oral health issues such as difficulty in cleaning, increased risk of cavities, and jaw pain.

CARPE cosmetic dentistry options like Invisalign braces or clear aligners (e.g., Invisalign) can gradually straighten your teeth, providing you with a well-aligned and more harmonious smile.

Gaps Between Teeth

Gaps or spaces between teeth can result from various factors, such as missing teeth, genetics, or habits like thumb sucking. These gaps can impact your confidence and speech, as well as contribute to other dental problems.

Our cosmetic dentistry treatments like dental implants, bridges, or orthodontics solutions can help close these gaps, giving you a more even and appealing smile.

Worn Down Teeth

Teeth grinding (bruxism) or habits like nail biting can lead to the excessive wear of teeth, making them appear shorter and uneven. This can cause sensitivity and other dental complications.

Our cosmetic dentistry procedures like dental crowns or veneers can restore the length and shape of worn-down teeth, improving appearance and functionality.

Ageing Smile

As we age, our smile may lose its youthful vigour due to factors like enamel wear, tooth discolouration, and gum recession.

Our cosmetic dentistry offers various antiaging treatments like porcelain veneers, dental bonding and laser gum contouring to reverse the signs of ageing, helping you maintain a vibrant and youthful smile.

Bring Back Your Smile’s Shine

Our expert team of dentists is here to help with a wide range of services, including emergency dentistry, cosmetic dentistry, Laser Dentistry, implant dentistry, and general dentistry. Say goodbye to dental woes and hello to a brighter, healthier smile.

Schedule your Consultation Today, and Let us Bring Back Your Smile’s Shine!

Popular Cosmetic Dentistry Procedures-smile makeover, Teeth whitening, veneers, Invisalign

Our Cosmetic Dentistry Options

Our impressive clinic in Solon is staffed by highly qualified dental professionals and equipped with the latest technology, so we can provide thorough and considerate care to patients in one location for all dental procedures.


Professional Teeth Whitening

No one’s teeth are pure white, but over time, lifestyle factors, dental health, and age can affect the brightness of your smile. If you smoke, drink tea, coffee, or red wine, or even if you do none of these things, teeth can become brown and dull over time.

Professional teeth whitening is a great option if you have good dental health but want to smile with total confidence.

Unlike at-home teeth whitening kits, professional teeth whitening by a cosmetic dentist can produce highly effective results after just one session.

Our experienced team will also use a detailed assessment of your oral health to ensure you’re a good candidate for this cosmetic dental treatment before carefully treating any discoloration.

What makes someone a good candidate for teeth whitening?

If you want to upgrade your smile, you may be a good candidate for teeth whitening if you meet the below criteria:

  • You have good overall teeth health

  • You don’t have obvious teeth restorations or caps

  • You have healthy gums

  • You don’t have very sensitive teeth

  • You are older than 16 years of age

Invisible Braces

Whether it's due to missed orthodontic treatment in childhood or changes in tooth alignment after wisdom teeth removal, many adults find themselves with crooked, crowded, or misaligned teeth that affect both confidence and bite functionality. Enter invisible braces. Using custom-made, clear aligners crafted from detailed scans of your teeth, invisible braces subtly and gradually shift tooth positions to create a straighter smile without the need for noticeable metal brackets or wires.

At CARPE, we utilize cutting-edge Invisalign and Clear Aligners technology to provide our patients with a seamless journey to a better smile. The realignment process is gradual and subtle, allowing you to address your dental concerns while maintaining a professional appearance and a beautiful smile throughout the treatment.

Who is an ideal candidate for invisible braces?

Invisible braces may be a suitable option for you if:

  • You have overcrowded or spaced teeth

  • You have misaligned teeth or teeth that have shifted over time

  • You maintain good overall dental and gum health

  • You feel self-conscious about orthodontic treatment and prefer a discreet option

Cosmetic Porcelain Veneers

When it comes to enhancing your smile, cosmetic porcelain veneers offer a versatile and minimally invasive solution. Crafted from durable porcelain material, these veneers are meticulously designed to fit over your existing teeth, concealing imperfections and creating a beautifully natural appearance.

At CARPE, we employ cutting-edge digital scanning technology to create a precise map of your unique bite pattern, ensuring that your veneers fit seamlessly and comfortably within your mouth. One of the key advantages of porcelain veneers is their ability to address a wide range of dental concerns in just two appointments. Whether you're dealing with chipped, discolored, or misaligned teeth, porcelain veneers can provide a lasting and aesthetically pleasing solution, restoring confidence in your smile.

Who is an ideal candidate for cosmetic dental veneers?

Veneers are particularly well-suited for individuals who have minor structural dental issues, such as misalignment or uneven spacing between teeth.

Veneers are a great long-term cosmetic treatment for patients who:

  • Have minor structural dental issues like misalignment

  • Have good gum health

  • Are hesitant about smiling because of cracks, discoloration, or gaps in their teeth

With the help of porcelain veneers, patients can achieve a radiant and harmonious smile that enhances their overall appearance and self-confidence.

Laser Gum Contouring (Gum Lift)

Laser gum contouring, also known as a gum lift, is a revolutionary procedure designed to enhance the appearance of your smile by reshaping and sculpting the gum line. Utilizing advanced laser technology, this minimally invasive procedure precisely removes excess gum tissue, resulting in a more balanced and symmetrical gum line.

At CARPE, our experienced dental professionals are skilled in performing laser gum contouring procedures with precision and care. Unlike traditional gum surgery, which may involve cutting and sutures, laser gum contouring offers numerous benefits, including minimal discomfort, faster healing times, and reduced risk of infection. Using a special dental laser, our team gently removes excess gum tissue to reveal more of your natural tooth structure, creating a proportionate and aesthetically pleasing smile.

Who can benefit from laser gum contouring?

This procedure is ideal for individuals who have a "gummy smile," where excess gum tissue covers a significant portion of the teeth, making them appear shorter than they are. Additionally, laser gum contouring can address uneven or asymmetrical gum lines, resulting in a more balanced and attractive smile.

If you're interested in improving the appearance of your smile with laser gum contouring, schedule a consultation with our team at CARPE today. We'll assess your oral health and cosmetic goals to determine if this procedure is right for you, helping you achieve the smile of your dreams with precision and expertise.

Book Your Consultation

Looking For the Best Cosmetic Dentist in Ohio near Cleveland?

If you're in Cleveland, Ohio, and seeking expert dental care nearby, the team at CARPE is here to assist you. We are your one-stop destination for all your dental needs. From general dentistry to advanced dental procedures, including laser treatments, dental implants, orthodontics, and cosmetic dentistry, we offer comprehensive services to give you the smile you've always wanted. Whatever your dental concerns may be, our experienced team is here to provide personalized care and create a tailored treatment plan just for you. Reach out to us today and let us help you achieve optimal oral health and confidence in your smile.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Cosmetic dental work involves a range of treatments and procedures designed to improve the aesthetics of your teeth. This includes straightforward options like full smile makeover, and teeth whitening, as well as more intricate techniques such as veneers and invisible teeth straightening. Whatever your smile goals may be, cosmetic dentistry provides customized solutions to enhance your overall appearance.

  • Common cosmetic dental procedures include professional full smile makeovers, mini smile makeovers, laser gum contouring, teeth whitening, cosmetic crowns, dental veneers, and invisible teeth straightening with treatments like Invisalign. The suitability of each procedure depends on factors like the condition of your teeth and your desired cosmetic outcomes.

  • While general dentistry focuses on addressing common dental issues like cavities and orthodontics, cosmetic dentistry involves specialized procedures to enhance the appearance of your smile. Not all dental clinics offer all dental services, at one location including cosmetic services, but at CARPE in Cleveland, we provide all dental services in one place, including general, laser, dental implants, and cosmetic dentistry.

  • Our experienced cosmetic dentists begin with a thorough consultation, utilizing state-of-the-art technology to assess your oral health and understand your unique smile goals. Based on overall health assessment, they recommend the most suitable cosmetic dentistry procedures for you.

  • Our team prioritizes your comfort and utilizes various techniques to ensure a comfortable and effective treatment experience. While you may experience slight discomfort or sensitivity following certain procedures like teeth whitening, we strive to minimize any discomfort and achieve optimal results.

  • Yes, you can view real patient results in our before and after gallery during your complimentary cosmetic consultation at CARPE in Cleveland. Our experienced cosmetic dentists have transformed the smiles of many patients in Cleveland, showcasing the effectiveness of our cosmetic dental treatments.

  • Cosmetic family dentistry offers numerous benefits, including:

    Improved confidence: Enhancing the appearance of your smile can boost self-esteem and confidence in both adults and children.

    Comprehensive care: Cosmetic family dentists can address a variety of dental concerns for patients of all ages, from young children to seniors.

    Long-lasting results: Many cosmetic treatments provide durable and aesthetically pleasing results that can enhance your smile for years to come.

  • When selecting a cosmetic dentist in Cleveland, Ohio, consider factors such as:

    Experience and qualifications: Look for a dentist with extensive experience and training in cosmetic dentistry.

    Range of services: Choose a dental practice that offers a comprehensive range of cosmetic treatments to meet your family's needs.

    Patient reviews and testimonials: Read reviews from other patients to gauge their satisfaction with the dentist and their results.

    Comfort and convenience: Consider the location of the dental practice and whether it offers amenities that make visits more comfortable for your family.